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What does Namaco do?

Namaco is a groundbreaking innovation hub that reinvents industries through the creation and development of unique business ventures and projects. We also partner with external innovators, providing them funding, strategic direction, and marketing support.

What industries does Namaco work with?

We are industry-agnostic and welcome ideas that challenge any industry norms, seeking opportunities to innovate across a wide spectrum of sectors.

What stage should my project be at to approach Namaco?

We evaluate projects at all stages, from early concept to established ventures looking for growth strategies and marketing support.

What does Namaco look for in a potential project or partner?

We seek projects and partners that embody creativity, uniqueness, and have the potential to disrupt or significantly improve their respective industries.

What kind of support can Namaco provide for my project?

Namaco can provide a wide range of support including funding, strategic guidance, operational management, and innovative marketing strategies.

How does Namaco's financial model work?

At Namaco, we adopt a risk-sharing model. We invest our time, expertise, and resources into a project as if it were our own, requiring no upfront costs. Instead, we negotiate a fair share in the project so that we are rewarded upon its success.

What if a project fails?

If a project does not succeed, Namaco absorbs the risk. We don't charge any fees or claim any share from the project initiators in case of a failure, as we are firm believers in our mutual journey towards success.

How does Namaco ensure the success of its projects?

Our expert team utilizes a data-driven, strategic development process along with creative and modern marketing techniques to maximize the potential of every project we take on.

How can I pitch my idea or project to Namaco?

Please visit our 'Contact' section (above) to submit your idea or project for review. Be sure to include as much detail as possible for an accurate evaluation.

What is Namaco's approach to marketing?

We believe in utilizing modern, creative, and viral techniques for marketing, tailored to each project's unique needs and target audience to ensure optimal user acquisition and brand visibility.

Who is behind Namaco?

Namaco is composed of a diverse team of industry professionals, experienced strategists, creative innovators, and marketing experts committed to driving disruptive change across various industries.

Where is Namaco based?

Our headquarters is located in Hamilton, New Zealand, but our team, reach and influence span globally, fostering innovation without borders.